Meet our team
Ukuthasa is a small charity and relies on the support of
our volunteers and a small team. We have a volunteer
Board of Trustees that bring a wealth of experience from
a variety of sectors to ensure that all checks and
balances are in place for the charity to run efficiently
and ethically.
The charity employees a small staff to ensure that all
administrative areas are taken care of and our team of
project workers in South Africa act as local liaison
between the projects and the UK. They are on the
ground to communicate, monitor and support our
The Board of Trustees
Chris Wilks,
Chairman of the
Chris is an optometrist
working in private practice
and for the College of
Optometrists. His
particular interest is the
visual effects on learning
The people behind the charity
© Ukuthasa 2007 | Charity Registration Number: 1055539
Trevor Blackmur,
trustee and treasurer:
Trevor has established TRB
Tax and Payroll Services
providing taxation and
payroll services to
individuals, sole traders and
small businesses. He is a
member of The Association
of Taxation Technicians and
sits on their Technical
Karen Barnes,
Karen has been a journalist
for more than 20 years.
She has worked for EMAP
and IPC Media and as
Associate Editor and Head
of the Good Housekeeping
Institute for the National
Magazine Company. She is
now Editor of delicious.
Tracey Kerly,
Nikki Glass,
Nikki has been involved
with Ukuthasa for many
years having first visited
the projects nearly 20
years ago. At one stage
she volunteered in the
school and also Choices.
Previously she worked in
pregnancy crisis
counselling in the UK,
after a career in education
and raising a family.
The Employees
Laia Martinez Mega,
Fundraiser and
Laia was born in
Barcelona, Spain, but
moved to the UK in 2004.
She has a Degree in
Humanities and a
postgraduate diploma in
Management and
Administration for NGOs
and has been involved
with various not-for-profit
organisations since then.
The Patron